For this holiday, I felt very happy and satisfy as I had tried out a lot of dishes and bakes. :) Well, this is my last post for 2013. See u next year holidays.
(: Wishing everyone A Happy New Year. Happy cooking and baking. :)
Hahaha...I managed to take a quick shot as everyone had their eyes on this last piece. ;p
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Gula Malacca Kopitiam Milk Buns
Recipe source from Siew Hwei's Kitchen - Gula Malacca Kopitiam Milk Buns.
Sponge dough:
1tsp instant yeast
214g bread flour
128g milk (room temperature)
Bread dough:
92g bread flour
60g Gula Malacca (finely chopped)
1/2tsp salt
1 1/2tsp instant yeast
12g milk
40g egg
30g butter
12g milk powder
Sponge dough:
1. Knead bread flour, milk and yeast together till it form a dough.
2. Cover and let it proof for an hour then store in fridge to proof for further 14-16hours.
Bread dough:
1. Thaw sponge dough and tear it into small pieces.
2. Combine all the bread dough ingredients except butter in a mixer and mix well at low speed.
3. Add in sponge dough and knead at medium speed until it form a dough.
4. Add in butter, continue to beat until it form a smooth and elastic dough.
5. Cover dough and let it prove for 30mins.
6. Knock down proved dough, hand knead on a lightly floured surface for a while.
7. Divide dough into 15 equal portions about 41g each, cover and rest for another 10mins.
8. Shape each dough into round ball and arrange them on a greased tray.
9. Cover and leave it to proof for 45mins until it doubled in size.
10.Preheat oven to 170C.
11.Bake in a preheated oven for 12mins until buns is brown.
12.Remove buns from tray and cool it on a wire rack.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Mini X'mas Chocolate Log Cake
I am submitting this to Bake-Along #56 : Theme - Christmas Log hosted by Lena of Frozen Wings, Joyce of Kitchen Flavours and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids.
Sponge cake:
4 egg (separated)
1 egg yolk
75g sugar
65g cake flour
1/2tsp baking powder
20g chocolate (melted)
10g cocoa powder
50g butter
150g whipping cream
100g cooking chocolate (chopped)
20g butter
1. Melt chocolate and whipping cream together in a double-boiler over a simmering water.
2. Add in butter and stir till melted.
3. Leave aside to cool, cover and store in fridge till it set to a spreadable consistency.
Sponge cake:
1. Preheat oven to 190C.
2. Lined and greased a 11" by 14" tray and set aside.
3. Melt butter, stir in melted chocolate and cocoa powder till well blended.
4. Sift cake flour and baking powder together, set aside.
5. Use a cake mixer, whisk egg whites till frothy.
6. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till medium stiff peaks form.
7. Switch speed to medium and gradually add in egg yolks and whisk for another minute until well combined.
8. Fold flour into the meringue lightly in 3 portions until well blended.
9. Pour some cake batter into chocolate mixture and stir till well mix.
10.Pour chocolate batter into the cake batter and fold in lightly till blended.
11.Pour batter in the prepared tray and smooth surface.
12.Bake in a preheated oven for 14mins.
13.Remove cake from tray and cool on a rack.
Assemble the cake:
1. Cut sponge into two pieces.
2. Carefully transfer one piece onto a greaseproof paper.
3. Spread ganache on cake.
4. Gently roll the cake by using the paper to lift the cake and guide roll.
5. Wrap up the swiss roll in a greaseproof paper.
6. Repeat steps no.2-5 for the other sponge.
7. Rest both rolls in the fridge to stabilize it shape.
8. Spread ganache on rolls, use a small fork and draw pattern on rolls.
9. Return rolls in fridge again till ganache set.
10.Slice, decorate and serve.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Chocolate Nutella Macarons
I'm submitting this post to 'Baby Sumo's Christmas Recipes Collection 2013' hosted by Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out.
45g egg white (at room temperature)
35g caster sugar
50g ground almond
90g icing sugar
2tsp cocoa powder
Nutella spread
1. Line 2 baking trays with silicon sheet.
2. Use a round cookies cutter, press it into some cocoa powder or flour.
3. Use the cookies cutter to make some round imprint on silicon sheet and set aside.
4. Sift icing sugar, ground almond and cocoa powder together and set aside.
5. Use a cake mixer, whisk egg whites till frothy.
6. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form but not dry.
7. Gently fold in sifted mixture in 3 portions into meringue, do not over fold. (Batter should be slightly thicker then cake batter.)
8. Spoon batter into a piping bag and pipe it within the round imprint which you had made earlier.
9. Let macarons to rest for 30-45mins.
10.Preheat oven to 130C.
11.Bake a tray at a time for 20mins, depend on individual oven.
12.Remove macarons and cool on a wire rack.
13.Pipe nutella on a marcaron shell and sandwich it with another macaron.
14.Store in fridge to let filling firm.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Three Colours Glutinous Rice Balls Soup (三色汤圆)
This morning made this tang yuan for my family. My younger boy lend a helping hands and he enjoyed it. Green is pandan flavour, pink is rose syrup flavour and orange is sweet potato flavour. (: 祝大家冬至快乐,幸福满满。:)
Friday, December 20, 2013
Chocolate Hot Cross Cake
I don't have a 6inches loose base round pan so I just used a chiffon cake pan. I removed it tube, place a smaller tart tin base into the chiffon cake pan and lined the base with foil. However the cake pan is kind of big for this recipe.
Ingredients (This time my eggs are bigger.)
3 egg yolk (55g)
25g veg. oil
50g chocolate milk
55g cake flour
1tbsp cocoa powder
2 egg white (110g)
62g sugar
1. Preheat oven to 170C.
2. With a hand whisk mix chocolate milk and oil together in a big bowl.
3. Sift flour and cocoa powder together and mix into milk mixture till combined.
4. Add in egg yolk and mix till combined.
5. In a clean bowl whisk egg whites till frothy.
6. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till medium peaks form.
7. Fold in 1/3 of the meringue into egg yolk batter until combined.
8. Pour the cake batter into meringue and fold till blended.
9. Pour batter into a 6inches loose base round pan.
10.Put into preheated oven and bake for 12mins till a layer of crust form on it surface or surface is slightly browned.
11.Remove cake pan from oven and with a sharp knife cut a cross on cake surface.
12.Return pan into oven and lower the temperature to 165C.
13.Bake for another 12-15mins till cook though.
14.Remove cake pan from oven, invert pan onto another loose base cake pan and cool it on wire rack.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Orange Hot Cross Cake (香橙拜拜蛋糕)
Recipe source is from Qi Qi In The House -香橙拜拜蛋糕.
Following is the recipe with small adjustment.
3 egg yolk (50g)
24g veg. oil
2tbsp orange juice
35g orange puree
60g cake flour (sifted)
2 egg white (100g)
56g sugar
Orange puree:
1. Wash an orange and put it in a pot of water, water must cover over orange.
2. Simmer it over low heat for half an hour till a chopstick can poke though the orange.
3. Remove orange and leave it to cool.
4. Cut orange into small piece and remove seeds.
5. Put orange in a blender and blend till puree.
Cake batter:
1. Preheat oven to 170C.
2. With a hand whisk mix juice, oil and orange puree together in a big bowl.
3. Mix in flour till combined.
4. Add in egg yolk and mix till combined.
5. In a clean bowl whisk egg whites till frothy.
6. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till medium peaks form.
7. Fold in 1/3 of the meringue into egg yolk batter until combined.
8. Pour the cake batter into meringue and fold till blended.
9. Pour batter into a 6inches loose base round pan.
10.Put into preheated oven and bake for 12mins till a layer of crust form on it surface or surface is slightly browned.
11.Remove cake pan from oven and with a sharp knife cut a cross on cake surface. (A deep cut will give a nicer crack.)
12.Return pan into oven and lower the temperature to 165C.
13.Bake for another 12-15mins till cook though.
14.Remove cake pan from oven, invert pan onto another loose base cake pan and cool it on wire rack. (Refer to bottom photo)
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Nutella Chocolate Chips Cookies
Recipe source from Dailydelicious - Nutella Chocolate Chips Cookies.
Following is the recipe with some adjustment. My cookies appeared very dark as I don't have malted milk powder so I replaced it with Milo which give it a stronger chocolate favour. A very addictive cookies, I must give a thumbs up for this recipe. Even my hubby gave the same compliment. :)
170g plain flour
30g malted milk powder (Horlicks/Ovaltine)
1/2tsp baking soda
1/2tsp salt
115g unsalted butter
40g granulated sugar
60g dark brown sugar (adjust sugar amount to your own perfer)
180g Nutella chocolate hazelnut spread
1 egg
1/2tsp vanilla paste
130g chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 165C. (Adjust temperature according to your home oven.)
2. Mix flour, baking soda and malted milk powder together in a bowl and set it aside.
3. Beat butter until soft, add in salt and both kinds of sugar and beat till light in colour.
4. Add in Nutella and beat till blended.
5. Next, add in vanilla paste and egg and beat till blended.
6. Lastly, fold in flour mixture and chocolate chips till blended.
7. Use two small spoons, scoop cookies dough and place them on a greased tray with 3 inches apart as the cookie will spread while baking.
8. Bake in a preheated oven for 12-14mins or until puff and no longer shine.
10.Remove from the oven, let cookies cool on baking tray for 5 minutes or until firm enough to be moved, the cookie will flatten while cooling.
11.Let cookies cool completely on a wire rack, and keep in an airtight containers.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Cinnamon Bread Slices
Bread dough:
30g warm water
5g instant yeast
1/2tsp caster sugar
250g bread flour
35g caster sugar
1/2tsp salt
90g milk
1/4tsp vanilla paste
1/2 egg (about 35g)
30g unsalted butter (melted)
30g unsalted butter (soften)
30g brown sugar
20g caster sugar
2tsp ground cinnamon
Bread dough:
1. Mix warm water, yeast and caster sugar together, cover and set aside to prove for 10-15mins.
2. Pour sugar, egg, milk, vanilla paste, melted butter and yeast mixture into mixer bowl.
3. Whisk at low speed till well blended.
4. Add in bread flour and salt and mix well at low speed.
5. Switch to medium speed and knead till it form a smooth and elastic dough.
6. Cover dough and let it proof for 50mins.
7. Hand knead dough for 1min on a lightly floured table top.
8. Cover dough and rest for another 10mins.
9. Mix brown sugar, caster sugar and ground cinnamon together and set aside.
10.Roll out dough into rectangular shape and spread butter on it.
11.Scatter cinnamon sugar all over it.
12.With a pizza cutter cut vertically into 5 long strips, stack up dough and cut into 6 equal square slices.
13.Arrange it in 2 greased 8cm x 17cm loaf pan.
14.Cover and leave it to proof for 45mins until it doubled in size.
15.Preheat oven to 180C.
16.Brush surface with egg wash and bake in a preheated oven for 14mins until brown.
17.Remove buns from pan, place it on a wire rack to cool.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Cranberry Potato Buns
300g bread flour
1 1/2tsp instant yeast
40g sugar
150g milk
30g egg
1/2tsp salt
60g mashed potato
30g butter
60g cranberry
1. Combine all ingredients in a mixer, except butter and cranberry.
2. Beat at medium speed until it form a dough, add in butter.
3. Continue to beat until it form a smooth and elastic dough.
4. Lastly add in cranberry and beat till cranberry knead into dough.
5. Transfer dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead the dough for a while.
6. Place dough in a bigger bowl cover with cling wrap and let it prove for an hour.
7. Transfer dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead the dough for a while again.
8. Divide dough into 50g each portion and rest for another 10mins.
9. Shape into round ball and arrange it on a greased tray.
10.Cover and leave it to prove for 45mins until it doubled in size.
11.Preheat oven to 180C.
12.Brush surface with egg wash and bake in a preheated oven for 12mins until buns is brown.
13.Remove buns from tray and cool on a wire rack.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Cheddar Cheesecake
130g milk
6pcs sandwiches light cheddar cheese (tear into small pieces)
40g butter
25g cake flour {sift
15g corn flour {together
2 egg yolk
2tsp lemon juice
1/2tsp lemon zest
3 egg white
1/8tsp cream of tartar
65g sugar
1. Line base of a 7inches round tin with foil and set aside.
2. Double-boil (A) till cheese has melted completely.
3. Remove from heat and strain cheese batter into a bigger mixing bowl.
4. With a hand whisk, stir in (B) till smooth.
5. Next stir in (C) till combined and set aside.
6. Preheat oven to 150C. (Don't preheat the oven too early as the oven will be too hot.)
7. Use a cake mixer, whisk egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.
8. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till soft peaks.
9. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into cheese batter till combined.
10.Then fold in the rest of meringue lightly in 3 portions until well combined.
11.Pour batter into prepared tin and steam-bake cheesecake in a preheated oven for 55-60mins.
12.Leave cheesecake to cool in the oven for 1hr with the door ajar.
13.Remove cake from tin and chill in the fridge for about 1hr.(You can also chill the whole cheesecake in the loaf tin.)
14.Slice and serve cheesecake.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Chocolate Nutella Chiffon Cupcakes
Ingredients (yield 6cupcakes)
2 egg yolk
20g caster sugar
1/4tsp salt
20g veg. oil
1tsp cocoa powder
40g chocolate milk
45g cake flour (sift)
2 egg white
20g caster sugar
1/8tsp cream of tartar
adequate nutella
icing sugar for dusting
1. Preheat oven to 165C.
2. Sift flour and set aside.
3. Warm up oil and stir in cocoa powder.
4. With a hand whisk, whisk egg yolk, salt and sugar together till it turn pale.
5. Add oil, milk and follow by flour into egg yolk batter.
6. Whisk until well combined.
7. Use a cake mixer, whisk egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.
8. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till soft peaks form.
9. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into egg yolk mixture until combined.
10.Then fold in the rest of the meringue in two portions lightly until well combined.
11.Fill piping bag with cake batter.
12.Pipe batter into cupcake cups till 3/4 full, tap cups lightly on table top.
13.Arrange cups on tray and bake in a preheated oven for 20-25mins.
14.Remove cupcakes from oven, invert cake and leave it to cool.
15.Pipe nutella into cupcakes and dust top with icing powder.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Coffee Marble Cake
185g unsalted butter
130g caster sugar
3 eggs (about 240g)
60g coffee drink
1/2tsp coffee paste
185g cake flour
1tsp baking powder
20g ground hazelnut
1/2tsp salt
1/2tsp cocoa powder
1. Preheat oven to 175C.
2. Lined base and side of a 7 inches round tin and set aside.
3. Sift cake flour, baking powder, salt and ground hazelnut together, set aside.
4. Stir coffee paste into coffee and set aside.
5. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
6. Slowly beat in egg until well combined.(If batter curdle add in some flour.)
7. Fold in flour and coffee alternately until well combined.
8. Scoop 1/4 of the cake batter into a small bowl and mix in cocoa powder.
9. Pour 1/2 of the plain batter into cake tin, drop some of chocolate batter on the plain batter.
10.Repeat the step again, use a knife and swirl it to make marble effects.
11.Bake in preheated oven for 45-50mins, if skewer comes out clean when inserted into cake then it done.
12.Leave cake to cool in tin for 10mins then remove it and cool on a wire rack.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Chocolate Chips Cookies
120g butter
100g demerara sugar
1/4tsp salt
1 egg
1/2tsp vanilla essence
150g plain flour
2tbsp potato flour
1/4tsp baking soda
1/4tsp baking powder
100g chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven at 175C.
2. Cream butter, salt and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Slowly beat in the egg and vanilla essence until well combined.
4. Sift the flour, photo flour, baking powder and baking soda together.
5. Fold in flour mixture into Step 3 and mix to form a soft dough.
6. Add in chocolate chips and mix till combined, wrap dough up and rest in the fridge for 1/2 hour.
7. With two small spoons, scoop small amount of dough and place them on a greased tray.
8. Bake in a preheated oven for 15mins until slightly firm.
9. Cool on wire rack and keep in an airtight containers.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Pumpkin Brown Rice Congee
Recipe (1-2 serving)
50g brown rice (washed)
50g minced meat
100g pumpkin (without skin)
2 dried mushroom (soaked)
3cup water
soy sauce
sesame oil
1. Pour brown rice and water into a small pot and bring it to a boil.
2. Put on lid, off the heat and let it sit for half an hour.
3. Cut off stalk of mushroom and diced it.
4. Cut pumpkin into small cubes.
5. With medium low heat, bring the pot of brown rice to a boil again.
6. Remove lid add in diced mushroom, stir and cook for 5mins.
7. Add in pumpkin cubes and cook for another 7-8mins.
8. Add in minced meat, stir and let it cook for further 12mins till pumpkin is soften and meat is cook though.
9. Lastly add in soy sauce and salt to taste.
10.Cover with lid, off heat and let it sit for a while for congee to thicken.
11.Serve in a bowl with dash of sesame oil.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Pandan Coconut Madeleins

I am submitting this post to Little Thumbs Up September - Pandan hosted by Joceline @ Butter, Flour & Me, organized by Zoe@ Bake For Happy Kids and Mui Mui @ My Little Favourites DIY.
60g butter (melted)
75g cake flour
1/4tsp baking powder
2tbsp dessicated coconut
2 egg
50g caster sugar
1/4tsp salt
1/2tbsp pandan juice
1tbsp milk
1. Preheat oven to 180C.
2. Sift cake flour, salt and baking powder together, set aside.
3. With a cake mixer, whisk eggs and sugar till light and fluffy.
4. Fold in sifted flour and dessicated coconut till well blended.
5. Mix melted butter, milk and pandan juice together.
6. Spoon some egg batter into pandan mixture and mix well.
7. Pour pandan batter into plain batter and mix till well blended.
8. Grease and lightly flour madeleine mold.
9. Fill each madeleine well with batter till full.
10.Bake in preheated oven for 12-15mins till golden brown.
11.Immediately use a toothpick remove madeleines from mold and cool on a wire rack.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Pandan Castella Cake

I am submitting this post to Little Thumbs Up September - Pandan hosted by Joceline @ Butter, Flour & Me, organized by Zoe@ Bake For Happy Kids and Mui Mui @ My Little Favourites DIY.
3 egg
50g caster sugar
80g bread flour
1tbsp honey
1tbsp milk
1tbsp pandan juice
1/2tbsp mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
1tbsp veg. oil
1. Double lined a 18cm x 8cm base loaf pan and with excess grease proof paper dangling over the pan and set aside.
2. Preheat oven to 175C.
3. Sift bread flour and set aside.
4. Mix honey, mirin, milk, pandan juice and oil together and set aside.
5. With a hand whisk, whisk eggs and sugar till sugar dissolved.
6. Place mixing bowl over a pot of hot water.
7. Whisk at high speed till it increase in volume and turn pale yellow.
8. Reduce speed to low and continue to whisk till it thick and stable, where you pull out the whisk you can see a soft peak like hook at the tip.
9. Remove mixing bowl from pot of hot water.
10.Sift bread flour in 3 batches into egg batter and fold in till well blended.
11.Warm up pandan mixture. (I warmed up liquid mixture in microwave oven for 10sec and mix well.)
12.Spoon some egg batter into pandan mixture and mix well.
13.Pour pandan batter into plain batter and mix till well blended.
14.Pour batter into prepared pan.
15.Either tap pan on counter top or use a skewer to stir the batter around to burst any air bubbles.
16.Bake in preheated oven for 8mins then lower temperature to 150C and bake for another 25-30mins.
17.Once it out from the oven, remove cake from pan.
18.Fold in grease proof paper which is dangling over the pan to cover the cake.
19.Flip it over resting cake up-side-down on a flat hard board.
20.Put it in a big plastic bag and rest in fridge overnight.
21.Slice cake with sharp knife and serve.
-Place mixing bowl over a pot of hot water while whisking the egg batter.
-Egg batter at a thick and stable stage, a soft peak like hook at the tip of the egg batter.
-Wrap up cake and rest in fridge.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Nutella Chiffon Cake
3 egg yolk
15g sugar
30g veg. oil
3tbsp nutella
50g milk (warm)
65g cake flour (sifted)
3 egg white
1/4tsp cream of tartar
50g sugar
1. Preheat oven to 175C.
2. Mix milk, oil and nutella together, set aside.
3. Use a hand whisk, whisk egg yolk and sugar together.
4. Add in nutella mixture and flour together.
5. Whisk until well combined.
6. Use a cake mixer and whisk egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.
7. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.
8. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk batter until combined.
9. Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in 2 portions until well combined.
10.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan.
11.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.
12.Remove from oven, invert cake on table top until completely cool.
13.Remove cake from pan, slice and serve.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Purple Sweet Potato Ang Ku Kueh (紫蕃薯红龟糕)
300g glutinous rice flour
100g purple sweet potato (steamed and mashed)
280g water
1tbsp oil
150g dried mung bean
75g sugar (suit individual taste, may add more or less)
1/2tsp salt
20g cooking oil
banana leaves (cut into 30 small pieces, must be bigger than the cavity of the mould.)
1. Soak mung bean overnight and steam for 35 to 40mins until soften.
2. Blend immediately with sugar, salt and oil till fine paste.
3. Set aside to cool.
1. Mix all the dough ingredients together and knead to form a soft dough. (You may need more or less water, it depend on your sweet potato.)
2. Wrap dough up and rest it in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours. (May rest dough over night in fridge.)
3. Thaw, and knead the dough again before use. (If dough is dry add some water, if wet add some flour.)
Shaping the kueh:
1. Grab some dough weigh about 26g and roll it into a ball.
2. With your thumb, make a hollow in the dough and shape it into a bowl.
3. Grab filling about 18g, wrap in dough and seal opening.
4. Place kueh into a greased mould and press it to set the shape. (Must grease the mould every now and then.)
5. Knock out the kueh and place it on banana leaf.
6. Arrange kueh in a lined with banana leaf steamer tray, allow gap in between the kueh.
1. Heat up steamer, water must be boiling.
2. Place tray on the steamer, lower heat to medium-low and steam for 5mins. (Depend on individual stove.)
3. Open lid to let steam out for a while, wipe lid and cover it. (This allow the kueh to cool off a bit.)
4. Steam for another 6mins until kuehs changed colour and soft. (Kuehs will expand during steaming and shrunk when it cold. If kueh expand too much, it will be out of shape.)
5. Remove tray and brush surface of kuehs with oil. (This allow the skin to absorb the oil while it hot and will give a shine to it.)
6. Remove kuehs and cool on a wire rack. (The print will be obvious when oil has been absorbed into the skin when it cold.)
Friday, September 6, 2013
Coconut Gula Melaka Madaleines
2 egg
30g caster sugar
1tbsp milk
60g unsalted butter
40g Gula Melaka (chopped)
95g cake flour
1/4tsp baking powder
1/4tsp salt
3tbsp desiccated coconut
1. Preheat oven to 180C.
2. Grease and lightly floured Madeleine mould, set it aside.
3. Sift cake flour, salt and baking powder together.
4. Simmer butter, milk and chopped gula melaka together till butter and gula melaka melted.
5. Strain and set it aside.
6. With a cake mixer, whisk eggs and sugar together till thick and fluffy.
7. Fold in flour in 3 portions till well blended.
8. Pour some batter into syrup mixture and mix well.
9. Pour syrup batter into egg batter and mix well.
10.Lastly mix in desiccated coconut till well blended.
11.Fill each madeleine well with batter till 3/4 full.
12.Lightly tap madeleine tray on counter top to burst air bubbles.
13.Bake for 15-20mins till golden brown.
14.Immediately use a toothpick remove Madeleine from mould and cool it on wire rack.
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