This 'Cooked Dough Method' for chiffon cake indeed produced a good result. The texture of the chiffon cake is soft. However I think my oven can't bake chiffon cake at low temperature as the crust maybe browned but once it cool the crust turned sticky and started to peel off. :(
Recipe from Wen's Delight-Mango Yogurt Chiffon (Cooked Dough Method).
Your chiffon cake looks so good! I've never tried cooked dough method before. Must take a look at the recipe from wen :)
i have not tried baking chiffon cake til now - dun even have the pan!
u have too many recipes for chiffon cake
soon i'm gonna buy my own pan and the first blog i view will be yours!
thks for sharing :)
Hi Anncoo,
This is my first time I used cooked dough method on chiffon cake. It almost the same as Souffle Roll Sponge from 'Okashi sweet treats made with love'. The difference for this recipe is mixed flour into warm liquid instead of cooking the flour into dough. I think it should call 'Soup Dough Method'.
Hi Alice,
Looking forward to see your first post on chiffon cake. Happy baking.:)
I had the same problem - sticky top, still searching for answer. Buy an oven thermometer to check your oven temperature. Came across that chiffon cake is bake at lower half shelf. May be had beaten egg white for too long. If I found the answer, will let you know
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