Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Zebra Castella Cake

I'm linking this post to the Little Thumbs Up event, theme for this month, May is 'Milk', organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Tze of Awayofmind Bakery House.


4 large eggs (about 250g)
50g caster sugar
50g Honey
60g milk (warm)
10g cake emulsifier/ovalette/SP
55g bread flour
90g plain flour
1/2tsp salt
10g mirin
45g unsalted butter (melted)

2tsp cocoa powder (sifted)

1. Preheat oven to 170C.
2. Double lined wooden mould with excess grease proof paper dangling over it and place it in a baking tray.
3. Sieve bread flour, plain flour and salt together twice.
4. Dissolve honey in warm milk.
5. Add sugar, eggs, ovalette, milk mixture and flour mixture into mixing bowl.
6. Whisk at low speed till well mixed, scrap side and bottom of mixing bowl.
7. Increase speed to high and whisk for 5mins.
8. Reduce to medium speed and continue to whisk for another 6-8mins or until batter is thick and creamy white.
9. Mix melted butter and mirin together.
10.Stop mixer, remove mixing bowl and fold in butter mixture till well mixed.
11.Divide cake batter into two portions.
12.Mix one portion with cocoa powder and leave another portion plain.
13.With a dinner spoon, scoop two spoons of plain batter and pour it into prepared wooden mould.
14.With another dinner spoon, scoop one spoon of cocoa batter and gently pour it over the plain batter.
15.Now scoop one spoon of plain batter and gently pour it over the cocoa batter.
16.Repeat steps 14 and 15 till all the batter was used up.
17.Tap mould on counter top to burst any air bubbles.
18.Bake in preheated oven for 50-55mins.
19.Once cake is out of the oven, remove wooden mould and a piece of grease proof paper.
20.Fold in the other piece to cover cake, invert cake onto a flat hard board and leave it to cool.

Note: I find that this recipe yield a moist cake so this time I omit the part, wrapping and cooling cake in the fridge. You may do the same if you try out my previous Orange Castella Cake.


  1. hi Happy Flour, love the zebra pattern on your castella cake! lovely job!

    Thanks for linkup wirh LTU!

  2. That is so impressive! Love it a lot!

  3. Excellent baker. Such a lovely castella cake.

  4. You did a great job making the zebra design in our cake! Very nice!


  5. HI,

    I am from a staff from a Family Service Centre in Singapore. I happen to read your cooking blog and find it really informative and well-written. We would appreciate if you can hold complimentary cooking or baking classes for our residents, most of whom would love to pick up new cooking skills, but could not afford it.

    The topic can be of your choosing and we would gladly sponsor the ingredients..
    Hope to hear from you soon.


  6. Hi Nick,

    Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for your compliment. However I am a working mum and too busy with both my work and family.

    I like to ask, are you affiliated with MSF?

  7. Hi can I use steam to make tis Zebra Castella Cake


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