Monday, April 28, 2014

Orange Castella Cake

Last weekend I spare some time trying out my new wooden castella cake mould. I had played around with castella cake ingredients to fix into 'Little Thumbs Up April 2014 Event - Orange'. It turn out very well. :)

Original recipe from Nasi Lemak Lover- Castella cake 长崎蛋糕.

I'm sharing this post with Little Thumbs Up April 2014 Event - Orange organised by Bake For Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY hosted by Anncoo Journal.


4 large eggs (about 250g)
50g caster sugar
50g Honey
30g milk (warm)
40g orange juice
10g cake emulsifier/ovalette/SP
55g bread flour
90g plain flour
1/2tsp salt
45g unsalted butter (melted)
zest of 1 orange

1. Preheat oven to 170C.
2. Double lined wooden mould with excess grease proof paper dangling over it and place it in a baking tray.
3. Sieve bread flour, plain flour and salt together twice.
4. Dissolve honey in warm milk.
5. Add sugar, eggs, ovalette, milk mixture and flour mixture into mixing bowl.
6. Whisk at low speed till well mixed, scrap side and bottom of mixing bowl.
7. Increase speed to high and whisk for another 5mins.
8. Reduce to medium speed and continue to whisk for another 6-8mins or until batter is thick and creamy white.
9. Mix orange juice and orange zest together.
10.Slowly pour into cake batter and whisk till well mixed.
11.Stop mixer, remove mixing bowl and fold in melted warm butter till well mixed.
12.Pour batter into prepared wooden mould.
13.Either tap it on counter top or use a skewer to stir the batter around to burst any air bubbles.
14.Bake in preheated oven for 50-55mins.
15.Remove cake from oven and let it rest on counter top for 10mins.
16.Fold in grease proof paper which is dangling over the pan to cover the cake.
17.Flip it over resting cake up-side-down on a flat hard board.
18.Put it in a big plastic bag and rest in fridge for few hours.
19.With sharp knife trim sides of the cake, slice into serving size and serve.


  1. Really nice. You're very good in baking this cake. I tried but not too happy with the outcome.

  2. WOW! Your castella looks perfect with the brown top.
    Thank you for joining this month LTU - Orange theme.

  3. Seeing your perfect castella cake, my hands are itching for more castella cake baking :p


  4. Hi Angie, Joceline, Kimmy, Ann and Zoe

    Thanks everyone for your nice words. Happy baking. :)

  5. WOW! you baked this perfectly! after exam, I'm going to try it out too .. ty for sharing (:


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