Sunday, July 4, 2021

Assorted Buns

Following is the recipe which I usually used for my homemade bread. I had tried difference bread recipes before and I still preferred this recipe as it yield a soft and right texture which my family preferred. This small quantity is easier for me to do hand knead dough without using my cake mixer. Most importance it easier to reach the elastic window panel stage.    


150g bread flour
1/2tsp instant yeast
20g sugar
1/4tsp salt
80g warm milk
20g egg 
8g butter

1. Dissolve yeast in warm milk and set aside.
2. In a big mixing bowl mix flour, sugar and salt together.
3. Make a well in middle of flour mixture, pour in milk and egg.
4. With a spatula, mix ingredients together till it form a dough. 
5. Lastly, add in butter and knead into dough.
6. Place dough on table top and hand knead till it achieve a smooth and elastic dough. 
7. Put dough in a bowl, cover and let it proof for an hour.
8. Knock down proof dough, hand knead on a lightly floured surface for a while.
9. Divide dough into 7 portions about 38g each, cover and rest for another 20mins.
10.At this stage the dough is ready to wrap with filling and shape into desire shape. 
11. Arrange them on a greased pan, cover and leave it proof for an hour until it doubled in size.
12.Preheat oven to 180C.
13.Brush surface with egg wash and bake in a preheated oven for 12mins until buns surface is browned.
14.Remove buns from pan and cool it on wire rack.

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