Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Maple Syrup Hot Cross Cake

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (June 2014 Event: Butter) organised by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids) and Mui Mui (My Little Favourite DIY) and hosted by Jozelyn Ng (Spice Up My Kitchen).


3 egg yolk
20g butter (melted)
40g maple syrup
1tbsp milk
60g cake flour

2 egg white
40g sugar

1. Preheat oven to 170C.
2. With a hand whisk mix maple syrup, milk and melted butter together in a big bowl.
3. Sift flour and mix into liquid mixture till combined.
4. Add in egg yolk and mix till combined.
5. In a clean bowl whisk egg whites till frothy.
6. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till medium peaks form.
7. Fold in 1/3 of the meringue into egg yolk batter until combined.
8. Pour the cake batter into meringue and fold till blended.
9. Pour batter into a 6inches loose base round pan, lined base with grease proof paper.
10.Put into preheated oven and bake for 15mins till a layer of crust form on the surface or surface is slightly browned.
11.Remove cake pan from oven and with a sharp knife cut a cross on cake surface.
12.Return pan into oven and lower the temperature to 160C.
13.Bake for another 15mins till cook though.
14.Remove cake pan from oven, invert pan and leave it to cool.


  1. Thanks for linking up with LTU! This is the first time I heard about hot cross cake (I only know hot cross bun, lol)! By the way, this cake rose up nicely! Some of the blogger did similar cake like this but it is call "bai bai" cake...

    Looking forward for more linkup from you, cheers!

  2. Your Hot Cross cakes are all so lovely. I have baked this cake 2-3 times but the cake deflated after cooling. Any advice for this? I used a 7" pan instead of 6".

  3. Hi Jozelyn Ng,

    Cheers! It nice to have you host LTU. :) This is same as the Chinese blog 'bai bai dan gao', I find that it sound awkward so I name it Hot Cross Cake.

  4. Hi Kimmy,

    Thanks. Use a 6" pan and it will rise tall. If your meringue is stable it will not deflate during cooling.
    The method is same as chiffon cake.

  5. Hi Happy Flour,

    Saw this from a few Chinese bloggers too but didn't have time to bake them. Yours with maple syrup looks great!


  6. Hi u said the method look like chiffon cake so after remove from the oven we must flip the cake


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