Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gula Malacca Kopitiam Milk Buns

Recipe source from Siew Hwei's Kitchen - Gula Malacca Kopitiam Milk Buns.


Sponge dough:
1tsp instant yeast
214g bread flour
128g milk (room temperature)

Bread dough:
92g bread flour
60g Gula Malacca (finely chopped)
1/2tsp salt
1 1/2tsp instant yeast
12g milk
40g egg
30g butter
12g milk powder

Sponge dough:
1. Knead bread flour, milk and yeast together till it form a dough.
2. Cover and let it proof for an hour then store in fridge to proof for further 14-16hours.

Bread dough:
1. Thaw sponge dough and tear it into small pieces.
2. Combine all the bread dough ingredients except butter in a mixer and mix well at low speed.
3. Add in sponge dough and knead at medium speed until it form a dough.
4. Add in butter, continue to beat until it form a smooth and elastic dough.
5. Cover dough and let it prove for 30mins.
6. Knock down proved dough, hand knead on a lightly floured surface for a while.
7. Divide dough into 15 equal portions about 41g each, cover and rest for another 10mins.
8. Shape each dough into round ball and arrange them on a greased tray.
9. Cover and leave it to proof for 45mins until it doubled in size.
10.Preheat oven to 170C.
11.Bake in a preheated oven for 12mins until buns is brown.
12.Remove buns from tray and cool it on a wire rack.

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